Evolve your Soul and Career~ Become a SOULutionist 🌍
Learn how to Interconnect Business and Humanity to the Systems and Cycles of Nature and Prosper!
The Closer We Get to Nature, the Closer We Get to our True Nature
Aloha, I’m Donna Maltz, known to many as Mama Donna, a SOULutionist and Voice for Nature. So glad you found me!
Have fun exploring this site and get inspired to live like the future matters.

If you’re ready
🌍 For Financial Security
🌍 To Gain Optimum Health
🌍 To Make a Difference in your Life and Career
🌍 To Leave Mother Earth Healthier
🌍 To Build a Better World for Future Generations
You’re In The Right Place!
Conscious leaders are in demand.
As an Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Positivity Business and Life Coach, I share my passion and secrets of 40 years of Eco-business success. My aim is to help you see your worth, clarify your vision and have a career you love that puts Nature at the forefront of your endeavors.
Learn to redefine success and wealth, lead the way, live a better life, and create a bountiful business and world.
Join us for
“A Dose of Positivity”
Every Thursday at 7pm EST
I interview thought leaders, change-makers, and wellness professionals.
Like to be a featured guest?
All SOULutionists™ Welcome

Enjoy our last week’s featured guest 💕
Enjoy positive words from an interviewer to an interviewee 💕
Take a deep dive into the world of fermented foods and learn how you can make your gut microbiome as healthy and beautiful as you can.

Dive Into These Juicy Blogs
Interviews, Summits & Articles

The Soil to Soul Principles
I’ve cultivated these guiding principles throughout my life. They inspire me to live like the future matters and have provided the foundation for this website, my career, and my life. Together they form a blueprint of values that can help regenerate people and the planet itself.
With reverence, cultivate a life that prioritizes restoring the Earth and caring for one’s self and others. Support endeavors that are focused on regenerative Soulutions. Be a mindful and active citizen — a soulful light in the world. Give more, take less. What we appreciate, appreciates.
A healthy body fosters a healthy mind, which lays the groundwork for a more vibrant world. Nourish everything, from the soil to your soul. Respect. Replenish. Rejuvenate.
The Earth is our home. Honor and integrate the wisdom of the systems and cycles of Nature into your life. Nature-based Soulutions hold the keys to humanity’s most challenging problems. A restored connection to the Earth is essential for our survival.
Know who you are and what you love to do, all with a purposeful why. Celebrate life from the depths of your soul and rejoice with others. Manifest your dreams and embody your highest potential. Love and accept yourself. What you focus on grows.
At any age, have mentors and mentor others. The benefits received from intergenerational support are priceless. Knowledge fertilizes the mind to think and create. Wisdom comes when we apply what we have learned. Be a mindful lifetime learner and teacher.
Reference the past to improve the future. Connect with your roots. Then, compost what does not serve you and nurture what does. Forgiveness allows you to live in the present and to look forward to the future.
Invest time and energy into a purposeful passion. Cultivate love and compassion with gratitude. Gratitude changes our attitude. Time is our most valuable currency; spend it
In shifting our focus from the good of mankind to the good of life-kind, we can create an evolving paradigm and improve the quality of life for all. Resilient, we can adapt to the unknown.
Support, and take part in creating a vibrant, local community and economy by cultivating unity and reverence for all life. United, we bring value, balance, and diversity to our world. Our sacred yet vulnerable web of life connects us all. We depend on it. Together, we can strive to live like the future matters.
There are many ways to solve problems. When approached soulfully, to better the world for the long term, through understanding and love, it is a Soulution.
Are people engaged in building a more harmonious society by living like the future matters. They adhere to the Soil to Soul Principles and are stewards of the Earth.
Join our Soil to Soul Community 🌍
Join our Soil to Soul Community 🌍
Wouldn't you like to be a part of a community that prioritizes living, eating, and working like the future matters?
Join the Soil to Soul Community and engage with like-minded souls concerned about their health and the planet.
Included in the membership:
🌍 365 days of Nature photography accented with positive quotes to jump-start your day!
🌈 Weekly mindset positivity tips to inspire your creativity!
🎁 Weekly Newsletter that includes an uplifting article, health tips, recipes, and free events.
🌺 Invitation to participate in the popular live broadcast, A Dose of Positivity. I have the opportunity to interview thought leaders, change-makers, health professionals, ⭐️ SOULutionists committed to social and environmental justice. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with professionals from around the globe.
✨ Invitation to our positivity Facebook Group. Here, you can share your wins, events, launches, recipes, and beautiful thoughts, ⭐️ all things positive are a go in this loving tribe.
♥️Join our fun-loving community for FREE Today!
We look forward to meeting you.
Big Love and Aloha