Before we get started, today at 7pm EST, I'm welcoming you to join me for a live discussion that could change your life!

I'll be sharing my personal journey of healing from heavy metal toxicity and conquering chronic fatigue. The great news is that I'm feeling much better, and the path to recovery is filled with promise. The link between heavy metals and our well-being is becoming clearer by the day.

If you or someone you know is struggling with symptoms related to heavy metal toxicity, mold, or fungus, or if you simply want to engage in an uplifting conversation, I invite you to be part of this informal and spirited dialogue. Let's come together on "A Dose of Positivity."

I'm excited to connect with you and listen to your health journey. I'm here to share my experiences and offer support and references. So, don't miss outβ€”join us on this empowering journey to reclaim your health and vitality.

As the warm autumn sun cast its golden glow over the sprawling cityscape, my family and I embarked on a memorable journey to the heart of New Jersey and the vibrant streets of New York City. This five-day adventure was an unforgettable mix of cherished moments with both family and friends, all set against the backdrop of unseasonably warm weather, with temperatures lingering in the delightful 70s. Our journey took us through Central Park, the Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and countless miles of exploration, all while soaking in the beautiful harmonies of street musicians singing of unity and peace.

One particularly magical day was our visit to Strawberry Fields, the tranquil memorial dedicated to the legendary John Lennon. In this section of Central Park, the spirit of Lennon's soul lives on. Surrounded by musicians serenading the park's visitors, I held my precious granddaughter close. Tears welled up in my eyes as I sang along, ensuring she understood the profound lyrics of John Lennon's iconic song: "Imagine all the people living as one." I recounted the story of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, their message of unity, and the significance of this song, especially in a world tainted by rising antisemitism and media-fueled hatred. In a world that often tries to divide us, we witnessed the power of love that can unite us all.

The subways of New York City were another revelation. Packed like sardines, we were surrounded by people of every color and language. Despite the tight quarters, everyone coexisted peacefully. We marveled at how this was possible, proving that, even in a city of 8 million people, humanity can find a way to live together in harmony.

Our museum visits were an intellectual and emotional journey that exceeded our wildest expectations. Despite my previous visits to these iconic institutions, the grandeur, mystery, and sheer magnitude of what lay within never ceased to amaze me. From towering dinosaur skeletons that dwarfed most homes to paintings that ignited our imaginations and touched our souls, from the story of Lucy, the evolving ape, to gemstones that seemed plucked from the realm of dreams, it was all right there before our eyes.

However, what truly made this experience extraordinary was sharing it with my family. Seeing my son's eyes light up and witnessing the transformation in my granddaughter was beyond words. I vividly remember taking my son to these very same places when he was her age, a curious and eager 9-year-old. The magic of these museums, a captivating fusion of the past, present, and future all under one roof, was awe-inspiring. But seeing my son's appreciation two decades later, as an adult, magnified the significance of the experience.

I can only hope that I'll have the privilege of living long enough to return with my granddaughter in another 25 years and reflect on our unseasonably hot first visit to the Big Apple. In this ever-evolving world, the constant remains our ability to share these precious moments with our loved ones, creating memories that last a lifetime and beyond. Our trip was truly a healthy feast for the eyes, nourishing not only our souls but our spirits with the enduring message of love and unity.

In a world where the echoes of unity and love resonate so deeply, our journey through the bustling streets of NYC and the serene landscapes of New Jersey reminds us of the power we hold as individuals to live peacefully, to concur hatred with kindness. 

We also witness the harsh realities of our changing climate, as evident in recent climate-related events across the globe, from the devastating wildfires in California and Hawaii to the heart-wrenching floods in Germany and hurricanes in Buenous Aris and beyond. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we unite as a global community, fostering love and understanding, to collectively address the climate crisis that threatens our shared home, Earth. Each one of us possesses the potential to be a catalyst for change, to bring people together, and to actively contribute to the healing of our planet. 

Our journey may have concluded, but our shared responsibility to preserve the beauty and diversity of our world has only just begun. Let us all be a part of the solution, working hand in hand to ensure a brighter, more sustainable future for future generations.


A Dose of Positivity, our live broadcast will resume on November 30th. I have a minor surgery scheduled for November 8th, so your thoughts and well wishes are greatly appreciated during this time. On a brighter note, I want to share that I'm feeling much better, and the journey to recovery has been promising. 

The connection to heavy metals and their impact on our health is becoming more evident. In the upcoming episode of A Dose of Positivity, we will be joined by guests who will discuss protocols for heavy metal detoxing, so please stay tuned for that enlightening discussion. 

If you or someone you know is grappling with symptoms related to heavy metal toxicity, mold, or fungus, check out this link for valuable information and guidance on addressing these health concerns, and find a holistic health practitioner you trust to support you. Also, join me on A Dose of Positivity. I am happy to share my experience to gain back my health.

I wish to thank everyone who has reached out to me to make sure I am okay. The answer is YES ❀️

Kindly share this post and comment below as your thoughts and insights helps others. ❀️

Need some Mama Donna love? πŸ’–


GREAT NEWS Embracing the Healing Journey


πŸ‚ PEAKING OUT - The time is NOW