Finding Meaning In Life Can Improve Your Happiness ✨

These days, many people are unhappy, but that does not have to be the case. In this short article, I offer you some happiness SOULutions

I loved writing these blogs and sharing magnificent places in Nature. This makes me SO happy. It makes me even more delighted when you let me know how much you appreciate my words and photos.

“Do what makes YOU happy.” If you've ever felt unsatisfied with a job or any other personal or professional situation, you've probably heard that advice to death. However, this advice is not helpful, and it's also misguided. 

In today's world, the pursuit of happiness is a deeply ingrained concept. We're taught to expect our lives to be reasonably happy, and we're encouraged to do whatever it takes to achieve that.

But, like everything else in life, happiness isn't so simple.

What does happiness mean to you?

Merriam's Definition of happiness

1: a state of well-being and contentment : JOY 2: a pleasurable or satisfying experience

Some of us define happiness as what we get from others and our environment. In other words, you're happy when your material and emotional needs are fulfilled.

Take Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Outdated or not, it gives us an idea of what people need to be happy and the importance of each area in our lives - from basic biological needs like food and shelter to more elevated needs like self-development and creativity.

However, fulfilling our needs doesn't always make us happy. And in many cases, that directly conflicts with the happiness we seek. For example, a job that covers our basic needs for food, shelter, and security could get in the way of your need for creativity, flexibility, and freedom.

On top of that, we tend to think of happiness as static, something you either have or don't. However, this isn't the case at all. Instead, happiness is fluid and fleeting. It is doing things that genuinely make you happy.

So, is the pursuit of happiness an illusion? 

Not necessarily. Instead, to find that happiness, redefine it for yourself. What makes you happy might make someone else miserable. For example, you like opera, I like the sound of the wind rustling through the trees and waves crashing against the seacoast.

We can redefine that happiness by making it broader -- it's not just about the nice feeling you get when your needs are met or when you receive something pleasant from someone else. It's also about what you can give to others and how giving gives you a purpose and a connection to your loved ones and community. I could learn to like opera if it makes you happy, and you can take joyful nature walks with me. When we bend and broaden our definition of happiness, we take on a new shape, opening up more room for happy times.

It is known that the more we give, the happier we become. One of the most exciting things in the neuroscience and social science of happiness is that happiness is based on love. Love is the nuclear fuel of joy and delight.

Here are a few simple things you can do to start giving and loving more that will peak your happiness:

Listen. See every conversation as a chance to connect. So, instead of waiting for your turn to speak, pay attention to every word the other person says. Notice the tone of their voice and body language. And don't forget to ask questions. Being a good listener is an underestimated quality. Think about how happy it makes you feel when someone really listens to you. No matter how bad you feel at first, by the time you are done venting to a good listener, you feel better… maybe even happy. 😇

Give things to others. Do you knit, paint, or write poetry? Are you a woodworker, chef, or gardener? Make something and give it away. One of my favorite things to do that makes me so happy is going to thrift stores and garage sales. What makes me even happier is giving those exceptional scorers away. Never expect anything in return. Giving is a beautiful love language.

Volunteer. Take a few minutes to think of what's important for you. What are your values? Is there a cause you'd like to champion? Do you have time or skills to give away to that cause? Volunteering is one of those loving deeds that can make you incredibly happy when your heart is in the right place. From working in the soup kitchen to becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister to saving the trees or sea life, there is a place for all of us to give of our time.

Be kind. Make it a purpose to be kind to others every single day. Believe it or not, little acts of kindness have a contagious effect. Compliment someone. Notice if she did something with her hair. Help him with his groceries. Offer to do some extra work to help out a colleague. It is free and easy to give your smile away to everyone you encounter.

Become a mentor. Teach others how to live and work like the future matters. We all started somewhere. We've all been lost, confused, and tired. However, you have answers and insights to help someone start their journey. Helping someone get on the right path, shine, and be a more loving and giving person is ultra gratifying. 

By giving, you're creating connections with those around you. Life stops being just about seeking satisfaction, and takes on a deeper layer of pleasure. Life is no longer all about pursuing aimless happiness. It's about creating a positive effect on other people's lives. 

You make your life meaningful when you engage in actions that transcend your search for satisfaction. You become part of the greater good. Moreover, you can be happier and more fulfilled. This is love; this is happiness in its purest state. ❤️

Big Love and Aloha


You’re Awesome

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All proceeds go to preserve Nature 🍃🌿

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