Trust the Universe, Trust Yourself

Paradoxically trusting the Universe is the first step in trusting yourself. When it comes to trust, you must let go of the idea that you can control everything. The only thing you can truly control is how you feel, think, and behave in the world.

Relying on our instincts, πŸ™Œ the ability to know something deep down without being taught, is an underestimated trait. 

Most of the world's religions stem from the core idea that the individual has to surrender to the Greater Power if they are to achieve serenity and happiness. Peace and ease are the result of letting go. However, that is not the message the world of commerce, social media, and politics gives us. Instead, we hear and believe that the world is full of strife and challenges, and overcoming adversity can feel hopeless. It's every person for themselves.

But whether you believe in the Universe, God, karma, or market forces, being open to possibilities and trusting your intuition will likely lead to happiness and prosperity. Let go of the push to control and allow acceptance of whatever flows into your life.

Trusting the Universe is a lifelong process of being open, trusting your intuition, and taking responsibility. Putting your trust in  the Universe does not mean being helpless and childlike or asking to be rescued/spared from adversity. It means taking responsibility for your ability to become your best self, acknowledging and working on negative beliefs that stop you from moving forward, and accepting that things may happen that you didn't plan for or expect.

Trusting the Universe and yourself depends on you doing the work to be ready and able to deal with whatever life throws at you, the good and the bad. And accepting that what seems or feels 'bad' might work out better in the long run. Getting everything you want might seem like the Dream, but it does not make for a fulfilled or satisfying life. It's not the way to grow and become your best you. 

Six things you can do to trust the Universe and yourself. 

🌍 Accept what you can and can't control. Work on what you can control and let go of the rest.

🌍 Believe that whatever is happening to you right now is for your best and highest good.

🌍 Know yourself. Do the inner work and find out what's working against your best interests. Perhaps it’s limiting beliefs around relationships, money blocks, or other negative messages.

🌍 Reclaim your power. Trust your intuition and yourself. Remember, the closer you get to Nature, the closer you get to your true nature. 

🌍 Take intuitive action, knowing that you are your own best ally.

🌍 Get Animalized (This is an excerpt from my book, Living Like the Future Matters) 

Why do most people analyze things to death without considering their instincts? Animals always live in the present – neither the past nor the future consumes them. They depend on their senses and trust their instincts. I have found that the essential characteristics of an entrepreneur are intuition, instinct, and taking calculated risks before the gut reaction becomes diluted. Trust me, procrastination is a killer!

Some consider animalizing as a cruel act that lacks human qualities. What's up with that? Animals are not cruel, and humans are animals, specifically mammals. Why do many humans put themselves at the top of the pyramid of importance and alienate themselves from other species? This self-determined hierarchy has allowed us to believe humans are smarter and more important than all other creatures. But, if we disappeared from the Earth tomorrow, Nature would begin to re-balance, and all other species would thrive.

It comes down to trusting your intuition. The healthier you are mentally and physically, the more tuned into your soul's desires and what is suitable for us and the world. Only then can we become true SOULutionist in a world of strivers. Embrace your apparent powerlessness, and turn it into your biggest asset. Trust the Universe, trust yourself and make your happy future in the now by living like the future matters from the soil to your soul.

You got this!

Big Love and Aloha


You’re Awesome

PS: 🌴 Help Save Mother Earth by purchasing my Nature Photography.

All proceeds go to preserve Nature πŸƒπŸŒΏ

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