8 Easy Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Creative

Lately, I have run into lots of people in a rut. Some are incredibly talented artists, musicians, and chefs, but they seem to have lost their mojo. I also noticed last year that I had to work harder with clients to keep their juices flowing. Thankfully I found practical - rapid tools that work. 

You might be surprised to hear that you can actually train your brain to be more creative. Oftentimes, people think that creativity is a mystical, innate skill, and you either have it or don't. But research has shown that there are strategies that stimulate creativity in your everyday life, and you can benefit from new ways of thinking and problem-solving.

Here are a few effective ones that I use on myself and clients.

1. Spend time in Nature. 

The closer you get to Nature, the closer you get to your true nature.

When you are out in the fresh air witnessing the beauty of life, you open your senses to what is possible. Notice the sacred geometry around you—the perfect petals of a flower and the fluctuating clouds, and you can't help but be inspired. 

2. Snap out of it and switch up your routine

It's easy to get stuck in a rut of doing things the same way every day. But the more you stimulate your brain with change and novelty, the more flexible and creative your brain gets.

3. Keep your creative mind on its toes.

Read some new epic inspirational books. Why not try different foods and places to eat, and even try different routes through your neighborhood. Or get a different perspective and climb a tree. Switching up your routines will stimulate your mind and get you thinking about new possibilities and approaches to life. 

4. Relax the rules

So much of what you do is bound by shoulds and oughts. From those eight glasses of water you're supposed to drink, the right foods to eat, and how much and when to whether it's okay to talk in the elevator, much of your life is probably restricted by how you think you should behave. 

Try breaking some of the rules today. Smile and say hi to the waiter or the bus driver, everyone! 😇 Have some fun, crack a joke in that silent elevator, or take the stairs. Open up and allow your creative brain to flourish. 

5. Look around you

Another good way of relaxing your mind and allowing creativity to grow is simply sitting in the present and observing what's happening around you. Work your way through each of your senses and really notice your environment. What can you hear, see, smell, feel, even taste? Notice everything, and then write down what comes into your head. 

When you walk down the street, look up and around. Don't miss out on noticing the signs of the seasons, flowers blooming, the mating sounds of the birds, and the wind rustling through the treetops. Look up and around and see how many colors and textures are right there in front of you. Chances are you'll be the only person not looking at their phone or frowning into the idle distance. 

6. Talk with sincerity to others. 

How much of your conversation is either you talking or being talked at? Step back a little and engage with other people. Don't just talk or think about what you'll say next. Practice active listening and give the other person space to speak.

Real conversation can open up all sorts of possibilities and creative solutions you might never have thought were possible. 

7. Turn what you love to do into a side hustle.

Turn your hobby into a side hustle and make some extra cash to buy supplies. Hell, you might be able to turn that side hustle into a successful entrepreneurial venture - ditch the 9-5 and be your own boss. 

Spend more time doing the things you love. What hobbies do you enjoy? When was the last time you picked up that guitar, busked on the street, pulled out your sewing machine, wove a basket, wrote a poem or short story, painted a mural, played with clay, or planted a garden and made herbal tinctures from your harvest? 

8. Boogie and hang out with creative people in creative places.

If you are in a creative funk, put on your favorite music. Sing, dance, shake that booty. Remember, laughter and crying are the same relief so let it all hang out. 

Be sure to hang out with people who are in the creative flow. When was the last time you were in an art gallery or took an art class?  When was the last time you played music, sang, or took a music lesson? Hanging with creative people doing creative things is highly contagious - in a good way. 

I can't wait for you to meet my next special guest on A Dose of Positivity. She is one of the most creative people I have met in a long time, and she will surely inspire you to get into your groove.

Big Love and Aloha


You’re Awesome

PS: 🌴 Help Save Mother Earth by purchasing my Nature Photography.

All proceeds go to preserve Nature 🍃🌿

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