16 Empowering Beliefs to Live By Today

8 to Make you Smile 

8 to Help You Strive

Aloha 🌺

Last week Kevin and I had the opportunity to take a trip to the other side of the Big Island. Our Airbnb was a 10-minute walk to Fissure 8.

Fissure 8, the most prolific and prominent vent in the 2018 eruption of Kilauea, finally has a name: Ahu’aila’au. About 875 acres (3.54 km 2) of new land has been created in the ocean. The official number of houses destroyed by the eruption reached 700 on July 9. Our Airbnb home was one of the lucky ones spared.

Like eruptions shape the landscape, your thinking shapes your experiences, attitude, and wellbeing. Even obstacles have value when you can see them. You can develop convictions that will help you feel happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation.

Consider these empowering beliefs that you can start using today to transform your life through the power of positive thinking.

Think of these 16 points as positive affirmations.

Empowering Beliefs to Make You Smile  

1. I understand my potential.

You can achieve amazing results when you put your mind to it. 

Allow yourself to feel and be excited about reaching your true potential, and enjoy the process.

2. I count my blessings.

List each thing that you have to be grateful for. Remember to include the smaller items, like warm socks or tart cranberries. And big things like sunsets, waves, art, music,  friendships, and butterflies. Expressing your appreciation reminds you of how rich you are.

3. I learn from mistakes. 

You can make setbacks work for you by focusing on their lessons. Flubbing one job interview can teach you how to ace the next one. Late fees at the library go to a good cause. Acceptance with a positive outcome becomes a lesson rather than a mistake.

4. I find meaning in adversity.

Tough times can be the most rewarding phase of your life. Know that you can emerge from any challenge with greater wisdom and courage. Look back at the obstacles you’ve already overcome, and reassure yourself that you can handle what’s ahead with grace and dignity. Adverse people and situations are always going to appear. The clearer we are at recongnize them, the more courage we gain to speak our truth, and stand by our intentions so nothing  prevents our success.

5. I embrace change.

Accept that life is a series of changes. Focus on the present moment, and prepare yourself to adapt to whatever circumstances come your way. The present is a gift; receive it in the now.

6. I dream big.

Expand your wish list. Setting lofty but attainable goals gives you adventures to look forward to each day. Do not settle for less. Embrace the journey to your desired destiny.

7. I practice forgiveness.

Lighten your load by clearing away any resentment you’re holding onto from the past. Set reasonable boundaries while you respond with compassion when others disappoint you. Pardon yourself too. Put up pillows, not walls. Then you can ease the tension more freely. You can change the color or fabric and have a pillow fight with out getting bruised or bruising your ego.

8. I give generously.

Sharing your blessings makes you more powerful and joyful. Volunteer in your community and speak kindly to each person you meet today. Share your smile where ever you go and give compliments from the heart. 

Empowering Beliefs to Make You Strive

At the top of Fissur 8 feeling the magnitude of the historic event.

1. I take responsibility.

You are in charge of your life. Hold yourself accountable for the outcomes you create. Celebrate the fact that you have the power to determine your future. Only you truly know what you believe to be true for yourself. Be truthful and the future is bright.

2. I apply effort.

Figure out your definition of success, so you know what is worth working for. Give yourself credit when you’re making progress rather than comparing yourself to others. We can be our best allies if we except ourselves for where we are at and motivate ourselves to be the best version of ourselves. Redefining success and wealth, we find that our health, and families (friends), take prority over our net worth.

3. I leverage my strengths.

 You have your own unique strengths that you can draw on. Figure out what you’re good at and what you love to do. Let that knowledge and your intuistion guide your choices.

4. I listen to feedback.

Ask for feedback from people you genuinely respect and who care about you and your success. This way you can enhance your performance and show others that you respect their point of view. You grow faster when you gather solid input that you can translate into action.

5. I ask for help.

Expand your capabilities by building a sturdy support network. We all feel better when we help so you are indirectly helping others when you ask for help. Divide up household chores with your spouse and children or housemates. If you are a student, get a study buddy.  At work be the one who suggest you team up and support each other on the next big project. 

6. I connect with others.

Moral support counts too. Surround yourself with loving and encouraging family and friends. Participate actively in your community. Join a club or sporting activity. Mingle with others who share your interest in solar power or birding etc.

7. I recognize opportunities.

Stay alert for promising openings. You may meet a new best friend while standing in line to buy your morning coffee or on a zoom networking call. Recognize the signs, listen to your intuition and allow things to unfold. And so it is.

8. I try new things. 

Be open to experimentation. Go kayaking one weekend instead of playing tennis. Bake bread or make some fermented vegetables. You just may discover hidden talents and uncovered passions that can be life changing. Being overly stuburn is constipating and gets you no where.

Let’s face it, an upbeat attitude increases your happiness and productivity. Question your old assumptions so you can replace them with a new sense of certainty about yourself and your future. Adopt empowering beliefs that build up your confidence and prepare you for greater success. Start today. You’ll be glad you did!

And remember..

🌺 Big Love and Aloha

A Dose of Positivity will resume on June 2,

with special guest, Alan Cohen! 

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