Happiness is Underrated

Aloha 🌺

Hope this blog finds you truly happy and, if not, will guide you to more joy.

If you know me, you know that I am a passionate person with a deep love for learning and personal growth. Being a wife to a loving devoted husband, a mother to a terrific son, and a darling granddaughter are the main sweet points in my life. I am happy to say that happiness does not end there. 

Throughout my life, I have pursued many different interests and have had the opportunity to explore many places and various fields that make me happy, including the culinary arts, Nature therapy and photography, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and so many other pleasure points..

One of my favorite topics to explore is the power of the mind and how we can harness it to create the happy life we desire. Our thoughts and beliefs profoundly impact our reality, and by shifting our mindset and adopting empowering beliefs, we can achieve extraordinary success and happiness.

Another area that I am passionate about is personal development. We are all capable of achieving our full potential, and by continually working on ourselves and striving to improve, we can create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

In addition, I am also a big advocate of entrepreneurship and innovation. The world is full of incredible opportunities, and by approaching challenges with a creative and entrepreneurial mindset, we can create positive change and make a meaningful impact.

My life hasn't always been ideal, but it has always been what I make of it. It wasn't until I started prioritizing my health, relationships, and career in that order that I began to experience lasting happiness.

🌺 Focusing on my health makes me more resilient and able to adapt to change. 

🌺 I find joy and love by nurturing my relationships like the sunshine and rain make things lush.

🌺 Pursuing a career aligned with my values and passions, I find fulfillment and purpose in my work. I know that fame and fortune are not what makes me happy.

But getting to this point wasn't easy. I had to let go of things and people holding me back from my potential and getting in the way of happiness. I detoxed from anything addictive that drained my energy and joy, including self-sabotage. Changing my attitude and the people I engaged with made a world of difference in my self-worth. It was sometimes painful, but the benefits of finding my tribe and doing what I love outweighed the short-term satisfaction of superficial success.

I learned that happiness does not grow on trees, but climbing a tree always makes me happy. It's the little things in life that bring joy, and by doing meaningful things that help make the world a better place, I found a sense of purpose that transformed my life.


 on how to live a happy life and approach each day positively.

First and foremost, I believe that happiness is a choice. We have the power to choose our thoughts, beliefs, and actions; by doing so, we can create a life filled with joy and positivity. 

Self-love is the starting point of happiness: Self-love puts you on the fast track to finding true happiness and healing. Live from a pure state of self-love. You’ll be able to get sustainable contentment because your inner feelings of abundance will lead to beautiful relationships, financial freedom, and purpose-driven work. And your job is to release fearful perceptions and develop a loving outlook on life, which shows your perfection and wholeness. 

Focus on Gratitude: One of the key ways to cultivate happiness is to focus on gratitude. Instead of dwelling on what we don't have, we can shift our perspective to appreciate what we do have. Every day, I make a point to think of at least three things I am grateful for which have made an enormous difference in my overall happiness and well-being.

Practice self-care: This can take many forms, whether it be taking a sauna, walking in Nature, enjoying an epsom salt oatmeal bath, or taking a few intentional breaths several times a day. By taking care of ourselves, we are better equipped to handle life's challenges and approach each day positively.

Surround ourselves with positive influences: Whether friends, family members, or mentors, having a support system can make all the difference. Spending time with people who uplift me and encourage me to grow has profoundly impacted my happiness and success.

Helping others: When we give our time, resources, or support to someone in need, it creates a positive impact on their lives, which in turn boosts our well-being. Scientific studies have shown that acts of kindness, no matter how small, release feel-good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin in our brains, leading to increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness. Moreover, helping others can also give us a sense of purpose and contribute to building meaningful relationships with those around us. 

In summary, I advise you to prioritize your health, relationships, and career in that order. Let go of the things and people that crush your joy. Surround yourself with positivity and find your tribe. Pursue what you love and find ways to make a difference. Redefine success and wealth by prioritizing lasting happiness. And above all, approach life with an attitude of gratitude.

I invite you to share this post and please comment below, with your thoughts and insights as you are helping others. 💕

🥰 A Dose of Positivity

See you all this Thursday for another supreme Dose of Positivity with my special guest, Bex Smith who will share about moving through your emotions so you can experience lasting happiness 💕

Need some Mama Donna love? 🥰


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