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The World is Changing but That’s a Good Thing Living During Humanity’s Greatest Evolutionary Leap

For more than 25 years, Dr. Alison J Kay has practiced as a mind-body energy healer, founding the Vibrational UPgradeTM System, and working in yoga, meditation, chi gong, energy medicine, mind-body fitness, longevity, and holistic health with a specialization in the chakra system.

Considered one of the leading experts in her field, she has taught around the world and has written three books: the award- winning “What if There’s Nothing Wrong?”, Vibrational UPgrade: A Conspiracy For Your Bliss: Easing Humanity’s Evolutionary Transition”, “Reasonable Dragons: How to Activate the Field of Possibilities Where Logical Magic Is the New Normal” and her latest masterpiece, “The Dragon Master Creatrix: Conversations with a Female Spiritual Teacher for these New Times”.

To learn more about her, kindly visit:

August 4

How Intuition Can Improve Our Wellbeing

August 18

Healing Food Addiction in a Natural Way