Turning Adversity Into Success

I have a question for you.

Have you ever turned a bummer situation into a triumph? 

If you have, share it with the world. If more people shared their stories of overcoming adversity, they would help many others struggling to find a place in this upside-down world. That is one of the main reasons I have become an author, speaker, and positivity coach.

In this post, I cover 7 tips to overcome adversity. It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take immediately and a list of suggested readings for those looking for even more information. 

7 TOP TIPS to Help you Flip

You have heard by now the phrase when life gives you lemons, turn them into lemonade. This is true today as it was whenever the first person coined the term. It's not what happens in life that defines you, but how you deal with your situations. Use the following tips to help you turn adversity into success.

1. Believe in what you are doing. You have heard the classic tale of how Thomas Edison continued 10,000 times before getting the light bulb the way he wanted it. It's hard to say if that number became exaggerated over the years, but he likely tried several thousand times at least. The point is he believed in what he was doing. When you try something untested, you must take a leap of faith. Otherwise, it's too easy to give up on your venture.

2. Learn from your failures. If you ask any successful person how they got that way, they will most likely tell you it's due to overcoming failures. They learned from those failures and tried something different. In each iteration, they learned something new and continued until they succeeded. Excepting that failure is part of success, our fear of trying new things diminishes.

3. Let others help you. When faced with adverse situations, allow others to help you to turn your situation around. More than likely, people around you have experienced what you are going through. Anyone rarely faces something unique. Reach out to those you trust, get real and allow them to be honest with you. In other words, spill your guts and be open to receiving. It's better to get the help you need than to struggle with your situation. Some people avoid reaching out because they are embarrassed. Just remember, those people once went through adversity, too. They will appreciate what you are dealing with and be happy to help.

4. If you are facing an adverse situation, it's often due to setting higher expectations than you are prepared to achieve. You could have tried to accomplish something outside your current level of skills. We live in unpredictable times, and being resilient and flexible are ways to ease anxiety and adversity. By adjusting your expectations, you can succeed.

5. Be sure to try again. If your adverse situation is due to procrastinating, you can probably figure out you need to stop that behavior. If you ignore things or let tasks slip because it's uncomfortable, the situation will get worse in most cases.

6. Learn how to conquer your fears. Often, adversity is due to not taking action because you are fearful. When you face your fears, you can move past the adverse situation and get on with your life. Try daring activities like bungee jumping, rock climbing, or ballroom dancing. The point is to create situations you would not usually find yourself in. When you overcome one fear, the process helps you overcome all of it. Freedom lies on the other side of fear.

7. Being honest with yourself. People tend to hide their true feelings or deny that they face an adverse situation. Try some introspective to learn what is truly going on. As always, I defer to Nature because the closer we get to Nature, the closer we get to our true nature. Observing a storm, we see how having adequate shelter makes a big difference. 

A storm is a metaphor for any adversity. Just like when we say, "this hit me like a storm, and I was not prepared." Storms pass, and the storms will come again. Learn the skills to help you stay resilient and prepared and how to enjoy the blizzards and blackouts.


🥰 A Dose of Positivity

See you all this Thursday for another supreme Dose of Positivity with my special guest Catherine Saykaly-Stevens who will share his years of wisdom and expertise about overcoming adversity, how to turn your kryptonite into your superpower ✨

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