The Secrets to Self-Love

♥️ Make every day a self-care love fest - be your own daily Valentine by genuinely loving yourself.

Aloha Beautiful Souls,

Who doesn’t want more love in their life? ♥️ I wrote this article because I have fallen out of love with myself and know how devastating it can feel. Self-Love comes with facing the darkness and rising above it. Love without action is meaningless.

We find the secret to love when we have a deeper connection with ourselves. Only then can we have a more sincere, long-lasting love connection with others. Self-love is about accepting and embracing who you are and will transform your blessed life. It starts with self-care. 

Self-Care is NOT Selfish—it's Essential to Love Yourself.


Self-Care is NOT Selfish—it's Essential to our Happiness and Growth.

Self-love is not selfish unless ego takes over and you idolize yourself. We feel better when we are in shape, hydrated, eating, and sleeping well. Having daily rituals and routines. Making a sacred contract with yourself is part of self-care maintenance. You fall more in love with yourself when you honor your contract to commit to a steady routine that fortifies your well-being.

Surround yourself with those who support the wholesome rituals that keep you fit. Our allies are people that support us, who wish to be healthy out of self-respect rather than vanity. By being a positive role model for others, everyone benefits. What are your daily habits and routines? Write them down. What needs to be changed for your well-being? What are the loving things you do for yourself daily, weekly, annually, and what can you eliminate that brings your energy down? If you do not have any practices that lift you up, it's time to get off the couch; there is no time like the present to start.

Most of us have hectic lives, and it's easy to make excuses and break our contract with ourselves. I get it! We all slack off sometimes. Forgiveness is part of self-love. It comes down to self-respect and prioritizing your health.

Even if you must shorten your routine, stay with it! When things get in the way, imagine your rituals in your mind; for example, you are on a 12-hour plane ride, or at a wedding, or a funeral. Falling out of grace with our rituals should NOT be disrupted unless it's an emergency or you’re 30,000 feet in the air. When events disrupt your routine, look in the mirror and have a chat with yourself. "It's okay; I love you; I understand what's going on." Then go into micromanagement and adapt, paying extra attention to what you eat, drink, and how much you are sleeping during these unpredictable times. 

If you are in a situation that interferes with your routine, get creative. Volunteer to run errands, climb stairs instead of taking the elevator, anything to keep you active. Put on your headphones and listen to upbeat music and keep moving. Remind yourself that self-love means loving yourself fully, not just your legs, complexion, and hair.


Within the darkness, you discover your light.

We all have dormant wounds that can surface unpredictably. It's how we choose to deal with them that matters. Allow yourself to excel in being YOU in a world that tries to conform us into clones. It’s not always easy. Taking the time to know who YOU are, tune into what YOU love to do, and identify your purposeful why makes all the difference to our psychological well-being.  

Falling out of love one day and trying to make up for it the next is draining. If you have ever fallen into that pattern, you'll know what I am talking about. Many of us are attracted to what we know, even if we know it is bad for us. We are like magnets and attract what we think we deserve, both the negative and positive. Staying away from self-sabotaging scripts, negative parental memories, and people who tell you, you're not good enough, or dumb, or fat, or to this or that, remember you can break that cycle of doubt by turning inwardly to self-love. 

Just because someone was born into a dysfunctional family does not mean they have to perpetuate the craziness. Self-love comes with being hyper-aware and conscious of our behavior. Energy vampires suck our psychological well-being, leaving us defeated. Medication might take care of the immediate symptoms but masks the truth. To be a genuinely loving human being 

👍 STOP the craziness. Choose friends and soulmates that bring out the best in you and vice versa. 

Psychological self-care often happens when we are helping others. By being a positive role model for others, everyone benefits. Many of the best leaders, coaches, and human beings have gone through tragic times and, therefore, have empathy to help others through their misfortune. They made a conscious choice and found ways to make peace with the past. 

The faster you take care of a wound, the sooner it heals.

Instead of being stuck in the blame game, we can free ourselves from that emotional pain. Sometimes it takes getting professional help to knock down those walls and master the tools to keep those walls from re-forming. Give yourself a break if you have fed into self-loathing and self-doubt for a long time. Those walls will come down if you do the work. You are right where you should be. When you are ready, either knock them down or climb over them.

Healthy routines that support our mental well-being are essential for self-love. 

You will hear me repeat this time and time again. Freedom lies on the other side of fear. When you are ready to release the drama, joy is inevitable. It's easier to love yourself when your actions and choices align with love and wholesome values. Relationships flourish, and your purposeful why will keep you focused on self-love because you have made peace with your true love - YOU. Always remember: You are worthy.

Self-Awareness Increases Our Ability To Love. When we live from our hearts, we have self-worth and can make hard decisions that might not feel good in the short term, like giving up addictions or separating from a destructive relationship, but when we approach each situation with self-respect, we can make hard choices and learn new ways to love. Follow your higher calling, experience new doorways open, feel love flourishing, and appreciate the fresh blossoms. Show up for yourself; this is self-love and integrity. This is dignity. When we become present, grace enters our lives, and we are more emotionally at ease.  

Love From the Depths of Your Heart


Love Is an Emotion of Strong Affection. 

Our physiology affects our emotions, which affect our feelings. Emotions control our behavior and hormones, ultimately affecting us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Even if you jog ten miles a day and eat like a saint, our love can only run so deep if we do not meet our emotional needs.

How you think and speak to yourself, and others profoundly affects your emotions. It's hard to love yourself when you put yourself down; or think what other people think of you is more important than what you feel about yourself. It's really none of your business what other people think about you. That way of living is exhausting. Be aware of what you are saying out loud about yourself and your life when talking with a friend. If you don’t like what you are saying, change your inner dialogue! Listen carefully to get an insight into how you really feel.

We identify sincere love with positive thoughts and feelings like tenderness, devotion, warmth, gratitude, and happiness. When we are in touch with our beliefs, we build stronger intuition and character. We can easily get in touch with our authentic selves. It strengthens our confidence, and we can make decisions based on our gut feeling without judgment. Emotional highs and lows are a sure sign of imbalance, and they are trying to tell you to take more time for yourself. By taking time for self-reflection, we get in touch with our divine souls. A lack of self-love leads to emotional breakdowns. Dang, who needs that? 


We rise to a more spiritual state when we love ourselves. This happens when you treat everything around you with love and compassion, which feeds our souls. Self-love begins with having faith in ourselves; it is the foundation for our being, no matter who or what we believe. 

Believing in something greater than ourselves, we can connect and open our souls to the beauty within and all around us. When our hearts are open, we embrace life; we find our compass — our internal navigation system, known as "compassion."  

Compassion guides us to make decisions that feel good. When we explore our spirituality and are open to possibilities, we feel more alive. Having faith gives us more liberty to process our emotions, thoughts, and feelings. We recognize that everything around us is in some way a part of our lives. 

When we honor all aspects of ourselves, our lives are blessed. Things may seem separate, but everything is connected in the web of life, including your physical surroundings. We can enter that stream of consciousness with love and receive love back. Feeling grace entering our souls and opening our hearts is a spiritual act. Some might call this dogma, self-awakening, or self-actualization. This is how you unlock the secrets of self-love; this is the karmic flow. 

When self-love is aligned, our physical, phycological, emotional, and spiritual health are elevated and in harmony with Mother Earth. Everything affects everything else, including our possessions. Read more about that in a recent article, LOVE ON LOVEDAY 💖 AND EVERY DAY 💓 or on my website.

We must think beyond our present selves and into the future. Living like the future matters, from the soil to our souls, improves our lives and betters our children's lives, as well as all sentient beings. Where there is love, this is God.


Self-Love takes doing the work. It takes focus and time to be present in love. It is not always sunshine and rainbows. If you have fallen out of love with yourself, you'll have to face your shadow to turn yourself around. Know that within the darkness, you will discover your light. Face your demons -the things that keep you divided from your true self. Addictions, bad habits, negative patterns, and thoughts - let them go! Know when to STOP and unsubscribe from the things that keep you from knowing and receiving self-love.  

Don't run from yourself; When we live with love, we are part of the global SOULutions and can face the world’s shadow. It's up to us to fix this darkness that has grown out of proportion. 

Balance is a constant process. By practicing self-love, we become rich in our lives; we attract abundance. 

self-care love fest - be your own Valentine by genuinely loving yourself every single day. You got this. ♥️

Announcements and Events

A Dose of Positivity

Join us for a weekly uplifting discussion every Thursday at 2 pm Hawaii time, 7 pm EST, 4 pm PST.

If you have missed last week's talk, you can watch it here or you can listen to our podcast.

This week, we'll talk about how writing can positively change you through process and life 

Kenny G. Down is the best-selling and award-winning author of Darko: The Sacred Heart of One Johanee Darko, Awakened Giant Sleeping Spirit, The Care and Keeping of a Shan and the newly released The Mirror, the Window, and the Wall. 

Kenny’s life has changed dramatically through writing, and the cathartic, artful process of reading, meditation, and writing. His current presentations around his body of work center on how to “Awaken the Spirit Within” and his personal path and instructions on how writing can bring positive changes in our approach to life.Kenny lives with his wife Shannon in Seattle, Washington. His author website can be found at and contains many of his lessons via blogs, vlogs, poetry, and written messages.

Here's the Zoom link:

See you soon! 

Are you a change maker, thought leader, or health and wellness professional? I would love to interview you in one of our episodes! 🌈

Join our uplifting Facebook Group for A Daily Dose of Positivity. Contribute your positive vibration and receive from others. 💕

Fermentation Class coming SOON!

Many of you know me as the Ferment Queen. I have been fermenting vegetables, Kiefer, yogurt and Kombucha since 2002. After years of running my bakery & cafe in Homer Alaska, I ended up with IBS-Irritated Bowl Syndrome. A combination of stress, overworking, overeating the wrong foods, too many antibiotics in my life, and way too much sugar, I was breeding dise-ease in my body, fat, sick and very uncomfortable. Fermented foods changed my life and can change yours.

Fill out the survey to see which classes you wish to attend 🥕

You’re Awesome!

Big Love and Aloha ❤️

Mama Donna

“Why Retire When I Can Inspire”

Donna Maltz is an author, blogger, speaker, culinary chef, and eco-entrepreneur. Her books include Living Like the Future Matter ~ The Evolution of A Soil to Soul Entrepreneur. I AM ~ A Guided Journal to Cultivate Abundance, Conscious Cures~Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics and Yummy Recipes, Wilderness Wonders, a healthy activity cookbook for kids and adults. Check out her website: 

She spends her days immersed in Nature and strives to help make the world a more vibrant place for all sentient beings. As a ‘voice for Nature,’ she shares her love for Mother Earth through words and photography. 🌿


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