🌿Spend Some Time with Mother Nature to Embrace the Present Moment

Does this sound like you? Present moment awareness is harder to achieve these days than ever. The number of distractions that beg for your attention every day is numerous. Even if you find a quiet place to be alone with your thoughts, your inner voice never seems to stop talking.

It's believed that the typical person has several thousand random thoughts each day. You don't have enough time to register those thoughts, much less act upon them. EarthWeb.com reported in 2022 that the average person receives over 100 emails each day (not including spam)!

PPC Protect tells us it was typical in the 1970s for someone to see between 500 and 1,600 marketing messages and advertisements daily. Jump ahead some five decades, and that number has grown to as many as 10,000 ads every single day.

LocalProject.net informs us that 81% of Americans text on a regular basis, several times a day. More than 6 billion texts are flying around daily, with 18 to 24-year-olds receiving more than 85 texts on average. Adults 55 or older send and receive 16 texts day in and day out.

Consider all of that data, and it's amazing you have a single second to your own. 

It's virtually impossible to embrace the present moment and truly live life if you give in to all these distractions. One path to better self-awareness and less stress and anxiety is to spend your valuable time with Mother Nature.

Go for a Mindful Walk in Nature

When you truly accept your time is valuable, you naturally lean toward things that make you feel more valuable. Spending time in Nature and being present, you gain more mental focus and control over your life. What can be more valuable than spending your time wisely? The present is the only time that really exists. The future and past are elements of time that you have no access to and limited control. You only have this moment right now, which continues as you move through life. What you do with it is up to you.

You are a natural being. That means there is an undeniable link between you and the natural world. That means one of the best ways to center yourself in the present moment and to stress less is to engage with Mother Nature.

By the way, science agrees with this recommendation. 

It's been shown in experiments that Nature Therapy works!  Spending just 10 to 15 minutes in a grassy field, a forest, or on a beach immediately lowers stress levels. When you're stressed out and anxious, it's virtually impossible to give your full attention to the present moment.

When you commune with nature, clear your mind. Focus on what's going on around you. Look at the bushes and trees and animals that you encounter and truly experience them. Be mindful of every detail, sight, smell and sound. 

You'll find that many of the problems you thought you had instantly leave your mind. You enjoy more self-realization and less self-involvement, more natural energy and more positive emotions. Spend a little present moment awareness with nature and your life will be richer and more fulfilling in so many ways.

“The closer we get to Nature the closer we get to our true Nature”

PS: 🌴 Help Save Mother Earth by purchasing my Nature Photography.

All proceeds go to preserve Nature 🍃🌿

We are so excited to share with you that our Soil 2 Soul Membership is finally here! 🌈

The time has finally come for the doors to the Soil to Soul De-stress and Thrive Membership to fling open and welcome you with open arms! 

Our tribe is so excited to help you de-stress, manifest success and savings, and start living and working like the future matters!

If you feel burnt out, stressed, or overwhelmed, and wish to save money, improve your health, and heal the planet, then check this out.

Get all the details here: bit.ly/soil2soulmembership

Take advantage of the best price membership will ever be! Become a founding member for only $15. Save 85% and get all of the perks of our $97 membership level for the first month, and start to live your most healthiest life!

The Benefits are EPIC!

From the kitchen to the forest, we will explore ways to build our immune systems, strengthen our relationships with ourselves and others, connect with Nature, and dive into our purposeful passions. 

Could you take a few moments to tell me what rocks your world?

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