Get Rich by Redefining Success and Wealth

Money. We love it - we hate it.

Money is a touchy subject, and the definition of wealth has gotten distorted. I hope to bust some myths in this article and help you redefine success and wealth. Also, help you wrap your mind around being rich without having much money. 

How many times have you thought that life would be a whole lot easier if you never needed money in the first place? If you've entertained thoughts that money is evil, mainly because you never have enough of it, and it takes an awful lot of work to get any at all, join the club. Others have felt that way too. It's normal to feel this way, even if it's not the healthiest of thought processes.

There's a phrase for this. Getting caught up in that cycle of negative beliefs is called a ‘money block’. And it could be what's holding you back from financial success.

Get Rich: Redefine Success and Wealth

What do I mean about redefining success and wealth? Nowadays, we have been led to believe that money will make us happy, meanwhile, many souls get robbed chasing the mighty dollar.

Don't get me wrong, money is a valuable tool when spent wisely. Money provides security, buys essentials, and can contribute to joy, but money can't buy true love, friends, health, and spiritual freedom. Finding balance is essential to living a fulfilling life and the key to being rich. 

There are many meaningful ways to be rich. You can make a lot of money, have a loving family, friends and community, and your career can be rich by serving humanity and the planet.

There are also plenty of ways to save money and Mother Earth by being conservative with your hard-earned money.

When did you last shop at a thrift store, repaired something, had a clothes swap, or had or gone to a yard sale? Are you buying things that are not good for you or the environment? How often do you go out to eat or get a fancy coffee drink? Are you driving an efficient car? Is your home energy efficient? 

Have you considered making more money for the right reasons?

 If you were a millionaire, what would you do with that money? Being driven by cash to buy things that give you temporary pleasure is not a reason to make money. 

Financial freedom that comes with spiritual freedom looks a whole lot different. Having a meaningful way to make money is rewarding. A mindset that redefines success and wealth from the perspective of - "the money I earn makes me a better person, and the world improves from how I contribute." Money then has a whole new meaning, and making money is easier.

Are These Thoughts Holding You Back from Financial Freedom?

You're not where you hoped to be financially by this time in your life. By now, you'd expected to own your own home. Maybe you thought you'd have a stock portfolio or even be able to afford that fancy vacation. You feel like you're doing everything right, but you're not there for some reason. 

What if the only thing keeping you from a life free of debt is your thoughts?

You already know your self-talk can mean the difference between good and bad days. But your thoughts hold a lot more power than that. The things we tell ourselves are powerful. They can limit you and keep you from success.

What thoughts are holding you back from financial freedom?

Myth #1: "People who have money are just lucky." 

 By accepting the idea that people who make money do so because they've got all the breaks (a better education, connections, luck), you convince yourself there's no way for you to do the same. After all, if you share different breaks, how could you? With the right mindset and good intentions, you accept that making money is simple, necessary, and possible. You can make it as well, if not better than others. Just imagine all the good things you can do with your money.

Myth #2: "Money comes from working harder than anyone else." 

If this were true, fewer people would struggle so hard to make ends meet. Money comes to people who out-think the people around them, take action, and take advantage of what comes their way. 

Myth #3: "You have to spend money to make money." 

This one is accepted so commonly that you'll find people throwing a lot of money into advertising their businesses, not understanding when it doesn't work. When an idea is sound and solves a problem, money is not a problem. Investors are always looking for opportunities. It's your job to provide them. The money follows naturally.

Myth #4: "There's no money left for me." 

This idea comes from thinking money is a finite thing. Think instead of money as being something constantly in motion. People who have it spend it. Your job is to direct the flow your way and then direct it to do good things with it.

Myth #5: "You can't have everything." 

For every person who has determined that you can either have a successful career or a successful family life, you can find an example of someone who has done both. Why not? It's time to eliminate the "either/or" mindset and embrace the "and" instead. Limiting beliefs are limiting.

Financial freedom starts right when you'd least expect it – in what you tell yourself. By guiding your self-talk away from the negative and into the possible, you'll find that your success is only a matter of time. ‘You really can 'think and grow rich’, as Napoleon Hill said, especially when you redefine success and wealth. 

When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.

 ~ Native American saying

Examining your mindsets and motivations is necessary to change those financial attitudes. How?

1. Remind yourself that where you are today, financially, has more to do with what's going on inside of you than what's coming at you from the outside world. You have inner set points that dictate where you are, and realizing this puts you back in control by simply re-setting those points.

2. Examine your past and discover the attitudes towards money that are important to you. You grew up bearing witness to people talking about money. It's through these memories that you're going to come to understand where your own beliefs originate. For example, if your parents fought a lot about money, you might be experiencing unhealthy emotional reactions to money now.

3. Work through the financial trauma you're experiencing right now. It's time to let go of the negative emotions and attachments that taint your money mindset and make it impossible to succeed.

4. Create new financial goals now that you've worked through the negative emotions and experiences. That means embracing the positive new you when talking about your financial well-being. Invest in yourself and earn money doing things you love that have a positive impact on your health, the planet, and future generations. That's how we redefine success and wealth. Remember, you are a worthy and strong individual. Accepting your value and worth changes your attitude toward money. 

Changing your life is simpler than you think. By changing your habits, you will discover the difference between never enough money and enjoying wealth.

Join me and my special guest, Heather Michell, this week on A Dose of Positivity at 7 pm EST, where we will dive into crushing negative money beliefs. Changing your life is simpler than you think. By changing your habits, you will discover the difference between never enough money and enjoying wealth. 

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