5 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path

The time is now to redefine Success and Wealth.

Many people spend a lot of time looking for the meaning of life or how to live a happier, more fulfilling existence. We are led to believe contentment means buying bigger, better, more expensive things, from cars and homes to watches and widgets. Is collecting more stuff making you happy? The answer to fulfillment is much simpler. It's within our deepest self. 

People who are content and fulfilled in their life don't have illusions about finding happiness in possessions. They know and accept their true selves, strengths, and weaknesses. 

When you seek a life of completeness and harmony, addressing your life's spiritual aspect is essential. Without personal spirituality, we lose purpose, drive, and meaning. Having it you can fully tap into your gifts. In the end, without the spiritual, you lose your desire to give back to the world, to make it a better place. With so much at stake, is it any wonder that finding your spiritual path is crucial in living a complete life? Thankfully we have the opportunity. Here are a handful of simple steps.

⭐️ Pay Attention to Coincidence

When you find a moment where everything lines up and falls into place, embrace the experience. This is synchronicity, and you gain a satisfied feeling of affirmation. In moments like this, you find what you're born to do. You know what I am talking about. It's easy to let these moments slip by when you're not being true to yourself. 

⭐️ Pursue Your Passions

In passion, you find purpose as you pursue what you were truly born to do. When you find something interesting, grab hold and see where it takes you. Our desires are constantly nagging us to embrace them. They also change as we change. Being passionate about change is a great option. It means we can be flexible and allow ourselves to change. Changing careers, picking up a new hobby, and making a new friend are some obvious passions, but there are many ways to find that spark that ignites your imagination and desires. 

⭐️ Look for the Bigger Picture

Finding the reason for how things have unfolded can be intimidating. It can initially seem daunting when you step back and see how things are coming together in your life. Especially when you consider there are forces beyond our control and bigger than us who have arranged it in such a way. Accepting there is a bigger picture, our spiritual path is cushioned from unforeseen circumstances. It takes courage, resilience, faith, and the willingness to embody unpredictable changes. 

⭐️ Acknowledge and Accept Roadblocks

What we focus on grows. When things crop up and stop you in your tracks, take the time to acknowledge them. Accept the circumstance and accept the lessons from each experience. When there's no real reason why things aren't working, it could be a gentle nudge from something outside yourself, letting you know it's time to move in a different direction. It's here where we have the opportunity to let go. Letting go opens up avenues for faith to open new doors, leading in a new direction that can take you where you want to go.

⭐️ Look for Heroes

You are attracted to specific individuals for a reason. When you meet someone you wish to emulate, it's because they're speaking to something in your life you desire. Ask yourself what lessons you're learning from this encounter and pursue the path that flows from your given answer.

Fulfillment lies in knowing yourself – the good and the bad – and accepting it. Look for the hero in you. You are much more than your job, house, or relationships. The innermost you is full of potential. All you have to do is look beyond the externals, beyond the ego, to discover your true purpose and blossom into your best you. 

This is an exciting journey. After all, it's not every day you figure out who you were born to be. Remember, this is not an overnight process. It can feel uncomfortable sometimes but remember, your spiritual path is a journey that will take a lifetime. expecting highs and lows, lessons, and uncertainty are part of the journey. The rewards are fantastic as you move forward on this new path. The more open and ready you are for change, the more opportunities you have to live an evolving full life.

🥰 A Dose of Positivity

See you all this Thursday for another supreme Dose of Positivity with my special guest, Daniel Aaron who will speak on Spiritual Prosperity. ✨

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