It is my passion to help the world awaken and inspire people to Live Like The Future Matters.

I’ve written many different books that can help support you through these challenging times.

It’s never too late to shift your life in a positive direction.

“Donna's book changed my life and awakened me to how mind, body, soul, and nature are all interconnected. Living Like the Future Matters focuses on how everyone can make simple, easy changes in their daily lives to improve their physical and emotional health, while simultaneously sustaining Mother Earth's finite resources.

With conviction in a kind way, Donna connects the dots on how living like the future matters and respects the rights of nature and ALL "life-kind". This book demonstrates how to live in harmony with the earth while living your absolute best life. Donna teaches you how to pave your path to success. It is imperative to love WHAT you do for a living while having a "purposeful WHY" for doing it. That is the key to having abundance in your life. When you live like the future matters, abundance WILL come your way.” ~ Dee McSweeney

I AM Living Like the Future Matters:

A Guided Journal for Cultivating Abundance


“I Absolutely LOVE this book. It's very inspiring and insightful. You can write your own journey down by the questions that are asked. I LOVE the way that Mama Donna wrote this book. Everyone NEEDS a hard copy of this book. I'm glad that I got my copy when I did.” ~ Barb Davis

Living Like The Future Matters: The Evolution of A Soil to Soul Entrepreneur

Conscious Cures:

Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics

“Donna Maltz brings together insights from many of the most challenging problems we're facing as a society and provides a single and powerful solution (or SOULlution as she calls them). This is a powerful read that everyone looking to make a meaningful impact in the world today could use.” ~ Kyle Gray



Yummy Recipes Wilderness Wonders For Kids and Adults

“My daughter absolutely LOVES this book! With all the coloring she gets to do, and new recipes she's gotten to help me with, she's been entertained for hours!” ~ Christina Griffin